To commemorate the 25th anniversary(AUGUST 6th) of our fathers death and the coming of freedom to Southern Sudan ,we have published the two poems written by Richard Lo' Latio.The first DEATH OF A WARRIOR/DEATH STRIKES/MOURNING IN EXILE/ HE WROTE IN December 1986 immediately he learnt of his fathers death.The second one THE WARRIOR he wrote in 1994 after some reflection in his own life and the impact of losing his father become more apparent.

Thursday, January 6, 2011


Far away from home
and alone in exile
I learnt you were gone
I ran to the house.
Locked the doors
and took refuge
in a room.
Away from the strangers
In the streets.
I cried
I cried and cried
sobbed wept and cried
looking around me
with my cloudy eyes
I saw no one
there was no one to say
take it easy
death comes to us all.
But there was none
No one to console me
as I cried
for my beloved father
the walls
the ceiling
and the windows
watched in silence.
The floor flooded
with tears
raining from my eyes.
Once again
I looked around me
my eyes
showering and tears flowing like rivulets
I saw no one to console me
As I cried
for my beloved father alone.
my mother
my sisters
my brothers
my relations
my friends
scattered like
unwanted seeds
I did not see
how they cried
for my father
I wish I could be there
to see how my mother
my sisters
my brothers
my relations, my friends
As loneliness engulfs me
I saw my reflections
on the tears
flooding the floor
visions slowly
and deliberately
pass my memories
as I recall my father's love
and kindness
I even saw him smile.
Days and night passed
then this woman came
I remembered her at once
How is your father? she asked
son I believe he is as old as I am
she said smiling
I kept silent.
Staring blinkingly
into the world.
my voice choked
by emotions.
I could feel
the clouds
of tears gathering
in my eyes.
And thunder stroms
echo in my brain.
‘’ You know
he used to tease
me and jokes
that one day
I would go home
in freedom
And that he
would teach me
how to read and write.’’
‘’You know son’’...............she continued
‘’Oh how I long to go home to Sudan’’
before the first tear drops
I broke the news
‘’ Mama’’ .............I called
‘’Yes son’’
My voice was heavy
the words could not come
she stood up.
‘’Son is something wrong?’’ she asked
I nodded silently
with difficultly
I finally managed to say
‘’Father is no more’’
‘’ What?’’ She asked
He is no more.
She sunk deeper into the chair
jumped up
threw herself on the floor
rolling here and there
the news took her like a bombshell
Oh Jaden
Oh my brothers
my son
my love
our crying suddenly
became rhythmic
as we cried together
that humble
that humane
kind man. She murmured
No God,
Why God?
for hours we cried.
so Jaden
is no more
Your father is going to be
buried in your absence?
I nodded
Oh Jaden
Do you know that your father
is a very unique man?
Are you sure about the news anyway
people are not reliable
these days
then we resumed our crying
as days passed
the warrior
was confirmed dead.
I am sure
many cried in Khartoum
very many in the village
I am also certain
that many puppets
shaded crocodile tears in Juba and Malakal
while their heart
I wished I could see
the AB's
I wish I could be there
to mourn with the clan
for you
and to see the puppets too.
good bye for ever
now I have only
To remember
and cry,
As I recall your love to me
your words of advice
your letters
your face
your smile
but to forget
how can I
Rest in peace
Rest in peace

Latio Lo'Jaden
December 1986

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